About us
Our Core Values
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Meghan Hardy
meghan@VIGILANTHOPE.COMContent Manager/Summer missions HostCampus Pastor
Will moved to Santa Fe directly from Philadelphia, where he lived and worked until he was 22. Before moving, Will led outreach programs on the streets of South Philly, working mostly with the homeless to provide them with food and other necessities.
Lawrence Palmer
Support Staff/Maintenance
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Alex Williams
Support Staff/coffee
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Jenny Smith
Community AdvocateStudent Ministries Director
When Lisa began working with our youth group, it consisted of only a handful of high schoolers and a dozen junior highers. Less than a year later, we have had the privilege of seeing this small ministry grow and flourish under her direction.
Vigilant Hope Board of Directors
Duke Lineberry: President
Jamie Craig: Secretary
Micheal Mattis: At Large Member
Nate Stratman: At Large Member
Mary Lucht: Staff Support
Our Financials
Our organization's financials reflect the long-term vision to end poverty in our city.